
by Edunimbus Bilişim ve Eğitim AŞ



🔅 It is a fun intelligence game that supports the development of our children in many different sub-fields and is educational as well as entertaining.🔎 100s of events are waiting for you at Miamo4Kids.📲 Download now, start your mind adventures! 📌 Miamo4Kids contributes to the development of different skills and intelligence types.▫️Visual – Spatial Intelligence▫️Mathematical – Logical Intelligence▫️Musical – Rhythmic Intelligence▫️Verbal - Linguistic Intelligence▫️Reasoning Skills▫️3D Thinking Skills▫️Attention and Memory Skills 📚 Every stage of the game has been prepared by expert educators and experts in the field. At the same time, the Intelligence Games Teachers Guide prepared by the Ministry of National Education was also taken into consideration. 📌 100% ad-free and reliable content to improve childrens relationship with technology.Keep learning and improving while having fun! ✨️🏆